Managing Money: Saving money and the planet

- By Darren Smith

The desire to align what we do with money with doing right by the environment is not unusual.  They don’t have to be mutually exclusive. It is valuable to reflect on some actions you can take in terms of living expenses that can also have a positive offset on the environment.

In the broadest of frameworks when it comes to sustainable spending I like to think back to basics with reducing, reusing, repurposing and rewiring our behaviours. Having a green mindset is important.

We need to think about what we do and how we do it. Thinking greener does involve planning in advance and in some cases, investing.

Below are some areas you may like to consider:

1.    Energy usage & efficiency

  • Understand what is driving your power bills

  • Instal solar for lighting & power

  • Instal energy / flow efficiency devices

  • Isolate zones for heating & cooling

  • Use technology that has auto off switch functionality

  • Consider the unplug option

  • Energy efficient light bulbs

  • Design your home to take advantage of natural lighting

  • Utilise off peak periods

  • Label switches so people don’t pick the wrong one multiple times

  • Don’t lose energy out off the open door or window

2.    Water efficiency (repurposing and being mindful to conserve)

  • Buckets in the shower

  • Glass of water for brushing teeth

  • Diverting grey water from the house to garden

  • Timed showers

  • Water tanks

3.    Shopping

  • Take advantage of reusable cups when ordering drinks takeaway

  • Purchase reusable containers in replacement of takeaway containers, snap lock bags and cling wrap.

  • When grocery shopping shift to items with less packaging. Rather than purchasing pre-portioned foods (cheese & crackers, chips, yoghurt etc.) purchase the bulk item and make your own smaller portions.

  • Be aware of what items you can recycle.

  • Use both sides of paper and only print where necessary – maximise emails, use e-ticket functions and have receipts emailed to you.

  • Reuse paper bags or permanent carry bags as opposed to plastic.

4.    Transport

  • Think about transport and how you get around. Incorporating walking and riding. where possible can benefit both the environment and your health.

  • Move to a hybrid or e-powered vehicle

  • Work from home to reduce travel

  • Focus on local travel

This is only the tip of the iceberg in terms of opportunities to act in a more sustainable manner. You might like to select a couple areas to focus on and then continue working your way through the list.
